
Seeking Corporate Sponsors & Partners

Nearly one hundred acres of fertile farmers’ fields will be transformed into a Tented City with temporary streets, entertainment stages, live demos, exhibits and other special features. So much to see and do! For the expected 75,000+ visitors, we believe our exhibitors and corporate partners are the #1 attraction within Tented City. The 5-day event will provide excellent opportunities for participating companies and organizations to showcase their products and services.

Effective today, October 1, 2021, the minimum wage rates in Ontario have increased.

Minimum wage is the lowest wage rate an employer can pay an employee. Most employees are eligible for minimum wage, whether they are full-time, part-time, casual employees, or are paid an hourly rate, commission, piece rate, flat rate or salary. Some employees have jobs that are exempt from the minimum wage provisions of the Employment Standards Act. See Industries and jobs with Employment Standards Act exemptions and/or special rules for information on these job categories.
Compliance with the minimum wage requirements is determined on a pay period basis.

National Day of truth and Reconciliation

Today is the national day for truth and reconciliation, our history of indigenous relations in Canada has never been an easy reflection to make but it is an important one to do moving forward. Today is about amplifying Indigenous voices and perspectives, paying respect to those Indigenous children who never came home, and reflecting on the enduring implications of Canada’s residential “school” system.

Mayor's Virtual Address | Register Now

The North Grenville Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Municipality of North Grenville will host a virtual Mayor’s Address event with Mayor Nancy Peckford on May 7, 2021.
“This is an opportunity for the business community to hear directly from Mayor Nancy Peckford as she reflects back on this unprecedented year,” said Cathy Sheppard, Co-host of the event and Outgoing-Chair of the Chamber of Commerce.


BORROW $40,000 AND PAY BACK ONLY $30,000

Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan has helped to protect millions of jobs, provide emergency support to families and keep businesses afloat as they contend with the impact of a devastating pandemic. A central component of this plan is the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) which assists those who may not be eligible for other programs or who may require additional relief.

Canadian Tire

Check out the website for all your shopping needs. 
Store Services
Garden Centre
Key Cutting
Hunting Licences
Propane Swap
Fishing Pro Shop
Local Delivery
Skate Sharpening
Fishing Licences
Curbside Pick-Up
Dedicated customer pick up area
Assembly Service / RIV Inspection
Canada's Hunting and Fishing Store
Hunting Pro Shop

Digital Main Street Program Active in Leeds Grenville communities

Digital Main Street Program Active in Leeds Grenville communities
Digital Service Squads working throughout Leeds Grenville have contacted over 450 businesses and are assisting many with their online needs.
According to the Business Development Bank of Canada, nearly 85% of Canadians were already buying online before the pandemic and 8 out of 10 Canadians who made an online purchase for the first time during the pandemic intend to continue shopping online after the crisis.