
2020 Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit

2020 Leeds Grenville Economic Development Summit
A day focused on Economic Development and Leadership.
This event is in partnership with Michael Barrett, M.P., Hon. Steve Clark, M.P.P., the Eastern Workforce Innovation Board and the 1000 Islands, Grenville and Valley Heartland Community Futures Development Corporations.
This event was held virtually. Economic Development summit can now be seen on our YouTube channel

North Grenville Curling Club

New and returning members are invited to register for the winter curling season online or in-person this week at the curling club.
New to curling? no worries... the Sunday afternoon Learn to Curl league might be just what you are looking for!
People can register online through the club's website or in-person at the club on the following dates:
> Thursday, November 19 from 7 to 9 pm
> Saturday, November 21 from 9:30 to 11:30 am.

Leading Through Change

Leading Through Change
Are you struggling with mindset around the challenges of your business? This workshop is for you! There is still time to register! This Thursday we are holding an online event. Join us! It will be time well spent on your business.
Jeanette Johnston                                                                        

Forging the way forward: How entrepreneurs are adapting to the pandemic

Forging the way forward: How entrepreneurs are adapting to the pandemic October 19 – 2:00 PM EDT
An event hosted by Michael Denham, BDC President and CEO, where he interacts with and shares actual case studies of business owners who have managed well during the pandemic.
Special guests include:
Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade
Joanna Griffiths, Founder and CEO of Knixwear
Sami Hayek, Founder and CEO of Pitbull Energy Services

Small Business, too Big to ignore.

Join us on Thursday, October 15 from 12:00pm - 1:30pm for the launch of the report “Small and Medium Size Employers (SMEs): Skills Gaps and Future Skills”, a Skills Next project and a collaboration between the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Diversity Institute, Public Policy Forum, Future Skills Centre, followed by an exciting panel conversation to deep dive on some of these critical issues facing small business. Skills Next is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Program.

Upcoming Online Auction- Oct 29-Nov 2nd 2020

The Little Black Dress Event has been a trademark of North Grenville Chamber for over four years and draws support from incredible sponsors, businesses and guests. This year would have been our 5th year hosting the Little Black Dress event, so we are heartbroken to have to cancel this year. We look forward to having an even better event in 2021! Please save the date for next year, October 15th, 2021.