
Saturday Evening Family Skate

Saturdays 6:00 - 7:20 pm
$2 per child, $3 per adult

Please note: Children under 17 must be accompanied by an adult during Family Skate. Skating aids, strollers and sleighs may be used only during Family Skate sessions. Skating schedule subject to change without notice. Children 12 and under are required to wear helmets.

There are no adult, family, or public skate sessions on October 14, November 30, December 25, December 26, January 1, February 8, February 17, 2020. Regular skating season finishes March 31, 2020.
FitnessKid FriendlyIce sports

Starter Company Plus – Program resuming Fall 2019

Starter Company Plus – Program resuming Fall 2019 How it works Starter Company Plus includes: one-on-one guidance from a Small Business Enterprise Centre advisor access to a business plan boot camp and coaching/training from professional consultants and coaches funding of up to $5,000 experience running a business that will better position you to be more successful and profitable in your business and to obtain more traditional financing Who is eligible?