Local Chamber Events

Hey Day!

Friday, June 7, 2019 - 2:30pm

Shop 'til you drop! This is the KDH Auxiliary's giant annual garage and yard sale held at the North Grenville Curling Club. Bargains galore! You name it - clothing, sporting goods, small appliances, jewellery, books, furniture, plants, tools plus raffles and refreshments. All proceeds to KDH. Donations and volunteers most welcome. Please call Jolene, 613-558-1761. Donations may be dropped off at the Curlilng Club, June 5, 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm and June 6, 9:00 am - 8:00 pm.

An Opportunity to show your pride in Canada and in our community - Parade Info also

Monday, July 1, 2019 - 6:00am to 6:00pm

We are proud to announce that the Kemptville District Community Association has been provided with the opportunity to oversee this year’s Canada Day Celebrations in Riverside Park.   We invite you as an integral and valued member of our community to partner with us as a Sponsor to help make this a truly memorable day of pride in our country and our community! Show your Canadian Pride ~ Demonstrate your Leadership ~ Raise your Corporate Profile

Get Cronk'd - Grand Re-Opening Celebration

Saturday, May 4, 2019 - 10:00am to 1:00pm

You are cordially invited to come help us celebrate the almost two and a half years we've been in business as well as the completion of our studio expansion.
Prior to three and a half years ago this studio was not much more than a crazy dream. Since that time we have continued to work tirelessly at providing this amazing community with a safe, welcoming and inclusive fitness facility that boasts only the highest quality equipment and the very finest standards of training.

Nominated for: Male Entrepreneur of the Year

Friday, April 26, 2019 - 3:30am to 6:30am

Male Entrepreneur of the Year
Shahrooz Yazdani -Yazdani Family Dentistry
Jamie Chapeski -Bent Wrench Garage
Rob McNamara -KrisAlis Inc
William Pearl -Steven’s Creek
Craig Gerlach -Current Systems & Crown Rust
Kevin Scott -Copperwood General Contracting
Luke Geleynse -Geleynse Earthworks
Jamie Norman -43 Autoworks Ltd


Nominated for: Female Entrepreneur of the Year

Friday, April 26, 2019 - 3:30am to 6:30am

Female Entrepreneur of the Year
Gen Labelle – The Kemptville Flower Shop
Jacqueline Taylor –Jac’s Boutique 
Su Ouellette –Su Gold Jeweller’s & Giftware
Tina Murray –Dominion Lending Centre 
Kelly Ferguson –Cranberry Hill Animal Hospital
Kathryn Pentland –Furrific Dog Grooming
Kika Smith -Brewed Awakenings  
Cathy Sheppard – Sheppard & Associates Ltd
Deb Wilson -Grahame’s Bakery
Natalie Castellas -Catered Affairs
Kimberly Smalridge -Stepping Stone Pediatric Physical Therapy