Local Chamber Events

Let's ART about Grief

Saturday, March 24, 2018 - 9:00am to 12:00pm

Beth Donovan Hospice is offering a free 3 part art workshop for children and families who have experienced the death of someone. Presented by BDH bereavement counsellor Margaret Lorrie Beaton and BDH volunteer Rose-Lynne McDougall.
Child must attend with a parent or guardian
Available to children under the age of 18 — no minimum age
Beth Donovan Hospice will provide all needed supplies
Families can choose to attend whichever sessions they want (one, two or all three)
Spaces are limited
Snacks and refreshments will be served

Let's ART About Grief

Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 8:00am to 11:00am

Beth Donovan Hospice is offering a free 3 part art workshop for children and families who have experienced the death of someone. Presented by BDH bereavement counsellor Margaret Lorrie Beaton and BDH volunteer Rose-Lynne McDougall.
Child must attend with a parent or guardian
Available to children under the age of 18 — no minimum age
Beth Donovan Hospice will provide all needed supplies
Families can choose to attend whichever sessions they want (one, two or all three)
Spaces are limited
Snacks and refreshments will be served

February Frost Fest

Sunday, February 18, 2018 - 7:00am to 11:00am

Four hours of fun for the whole family. Bring toonies for the hot dogs and maple syrup taffy, everything else is free. This is an outdoor event, please dress for the weather.
Cheer & Dance Party
Meet the Snow Queen
Learn to Snow Shoe
Snow Painting
Horse Drawn Wagon Rides
Freeze Dance
Roast Marshmallows
Maple Syrup Taffy $$
Hot Dogs $$
Hot Chocolate

Proud Sponsor of the 20th Annual Sweetheart Brunch

Sunday, February 11, 2018 - 3:30am to 8:00am

We hope you will join us Sunday, February 11th 2018, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm at the North Grenville Municipal Centre. With our great team of volunteers, we serve over 1,000 meals in less than 5 hours.  Proceeds of this community event directly support community services, such as Beth Donovan Hospice, North Grenville Accessible Transportation, North Grenville Community Service Council and Kemptville and District Home Support.

Family Day Movie and Skate

Monday, February 19, 2018 - 5:30am

10:30 am Movie Coco (PG, 105 min)
12:00-1:50 pm: Skating
Public Skating - Rink 1
Family Skating - Rink 2
2:00 pm Movie Coco (PG, 105 min)
FREE hot dogs and hot chocolate! Space is limited. Tickets available beginning at 10am on Monday, February 19, 2018.
Sponsored by: B&H Your Community Grocer and Yazdani Family Dentistry.
Keep up-to-date on this and other Kemptville Kinsmen events by liking them on Facebook: