Local Chamber Events

Family Day Movie and Skate

Monday, February 19, 2018 - 5:30am

10:30 am Movie Coco (PG, 105 min)
12:00-1:50 pm: Skating
Public Skating - Rink 1
Family Skating - Rink 2
2:00 pm Movie Coco (PG, 105 min)
FREE hot dogs and hot chocolate! Space is limited. Tickets available beginning at 10am on Monday, February 19, 2018.
Sponsored by: B&H Your Community Grocer and Yazdani Family Dentistry.
Keep up-to-date on this and other Kemptville Kinsmen events by liking them on Facebook:

Breakfast Seminar

Friday, July 27, 2018 - 3:30am to 5:30am

Please join us at our Breakfast Seminar July 27th 2018 at the New Rideau Restaurant form 7:30am - 9:30am. Our Guest Speaker will be Shawna Perkins with RBC, Group Associate of Group Solutions and she will be presenting "Solutions for Building & Retaining a Productive Workforce".
RBC Kemptville will also be the Sponsor for this Seminar.

Breakfast Seminar

Friday, May 25, 2018 - 3:30am to 5:30am

Join us for our May 25th, Breakfast Seminar at the New Rideau Restaurant from 7:30am - 9:30am.
Guest Speaker will be Ramona Packham form Caerus HR Consulting. During the workshop, Ramona will walk you through the basics of HR requirements & provide strategies to ensure your organization has practices that are up-to-date.
Our Sponsor for this Breakfast is Randy Rose, owner of R. Rose Automotive.
Tickets are $25.00 (+hst) for Chamber Members and $35.00 for Non-Members.