The blood donor clinic in North Grenville (Kemptville) on April 6th has been postponed until next month same place, same time on May 4th. Hope people will be able to attend.
Donating blood in Canada continues to be safe. Our robust cleaning and infection-control practices protect all donors, staff and volunteers. All prospective donors are also carefully screened for any symptoms of illness, including very mild ones. This screening occurs during both appointment booking and upon arrival at the donor centre or event. Those with any symptoms are not allowed to donate blood and are instructed not to visit.
Additionally, we have added new measures that take effect Monday March 16, 2020.
Anyone asked by public health to place themselves under observation or self-quarantine are not allowed to donate for 14 days from the date of their last contact with a case or suspected case of COVID-19.
Anyone with a case or suspected case in their household cannot donate for 14 days after the infected person’s recovery.
Anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 are not allowed to donate for 56 days after full recovery from the infection.
Our screening measures are evolving in line with public health recommendations and the changing dynamics of the COVID19 outbreak. We ask donors who have recently travelled outside of Canada to call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) when booking their appointment to confirm they are eligible.