Member News

Beth Donovan Hospice raises $30,000 in honour of 30th anniversary

The Beth Donovan Hospice (BDH) raised $30,000 in honour of its 30th anniversary. Pictured, from left: BDH representatives Amy Tibben, Sue Walker, Debbie Watson, Melissa Hill, Janet-Lee Ferris and Emily Angel. - Jennifer Westendorp/Metroland
The Beth Donovan Hospice (BDH) has reached its goal. The organization raised $30,000 in honour of its 30th anniversary in 2022.
Sue Walker, BDH executive director, noted that the fundraising initiative ran from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.
“We made it before the deadline, we exceeded the goal,” she stated.

Steven's Creek New Hunter Douglas Showroom!

We did it!!
Thanks to a ton of hard work from our crew we are ready to welcome folks to our new and improved Hunter Douglas Gallery. Big thanks to Anna and Ariel for all their hard work helping us get the space ready, and the team from Hunter Douglas that made quick work of the installation process. Over 40 working displays, the full line of Hunter Douglas products, and state of the art automation it is well worth a visit.
#hunterdouglasgallery #hunterdouglascanada #ottawadesign #ottawadesigners #loveNG
2678 County Rd 43 , Kemptville, ON, Canada, Ontario

Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau hosting “Volunteer Fair” in Kemptville

Looking for local volunteer opportunities, but don’t know where to start? The Municipality of North Grenville, in partnership with the Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence—Rideau, is hosting a volunteer fair on Tuesday, May 9.
The free event runs from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the North Grenville Municipal Centre.
To register for the volunteer fair, contact recreation co-ordinator Tammy Hurlbert by calling 613-258-9569 ext. 123 or emailing

Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign 2023 • May 1St to May 7th

Say Thank you to your employees or send as a gift to a favourite Clients. Who can resist a Smile cookie?
boxed cookies will be hand delivered to your place of
work by Kemptville District Hospital Foundation
Boxes are $30.00 and delivery is free. If you would
like to donate to the Smile Cookie Campaign, as well as
purchase a cookie, you will receive a tax receipt for your
donation. 100 percent of the proceeds will go directly to
the KDH Foundation in support of Children’s Mental
Health Programs.

Wednesday, May 10th is McHappy Day

Wednesday, May 10th is McHappy Day
Join Karen Quigley (Chair of the Chamber)  and Terri-Lyn at lunch time on May 10th, 2023 to support a great charity!
We will be serving from 12-1 that day! 
· On McHappy Day, a portion of proceeds from every menu item sold in our restaurants all day long goes towards supporting our local Ronald McDonald House Charities location and other children’s charities across the country.

The Admirable Crichton play

Dazzling Show for Whole Family
Music, action, comedy, and an upside down look at society.
From J. M. Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan, this comedy explores English class hierarchy at the end of the Victorian era. A system where a person's place is determined by birth and not by ability is tossed aside when a group of British aristocrats are suddenly stranded on a desert island. Crichton the butler becomes the leader of the group.

Merrick Preparatory School Awarded on Fortune’s World’s Leading Boarding Schools in 2023 List

Congratulations to Merrick prep for all their hard work! Not 1 but 2 awards! 
K12 Digest, an independent international K12 Educational Portal, and Magazine featured Merrick Preparatory School (MPS) on February 28, 2023, as one of 10 Prominent Boarding Schools to Watch in 2023. Only 2 Canadian Boarding Schools made the list, and we were one of them. A small school like ours, often seen as an underdog in the boarding school industry, has been recognized internationally once again for its achievements.

Help develop NG’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Help develop NG’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy by filling out the survey by March 15th to have your voice heard!
Survey online can be found here
Survey: hard copy 
Municipal Centre, North Grenville Public Library, Community Living North Grenville, Seniors' Community Services, and Kemptville Youth Centre
Questions? 613-258-9569 ext. 177 or e-mail