CSE staff are fully mobilized, working remotely to assist you with your business related needs and are available to provide support in areas of:
Layoff / Downsizing Support
Recruitment for Rapid Hiring
Placements with Incentives
HR Support
Referral to Business Financing Resources
We will continue to provide updates as the situation progresses. Please phone our offices if you have any questions or concerns, email the person you wish to reach directly, or email Shannon Liscumb, Director at shannonl@cseconsulting.com. The Job Developers, Tracy McDonald and Rod Palmer may be reached by phone, email or text.
Tracy McDonald Rod Palmer
tracy@cseconsulting.com rod@cseconsulting.com
Office: 613-258-6576 ext. 205 ( to leave a message) Office: 613-925-0222 ext. 208 (to leave a message)
Cell: 613-498-4410 ( call or text) Cell: 613-213-2898 (call or text)