Located in Ottawa the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (DSYTC) is a non-profit, live-in, and community-based agency that is dedicated to helping youth (13-21) and families across Ontario overcome substance use and related issues and to achieve a healthier lifestyle. With separate evidence-based programs tailored to the specific needs of youth, it is the only Centre of its kind in Eastern Ontario.
DSYTC programs and services include: comprehensive assessment, 3-month live-in treatment, 3-month post-live-in continuing care as well as family services (education, counselling, support). A professional referral is not required to attain services and there are no formal fees required to access DSYTC programming.
With the invaluable support of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MoHLTC), the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), as well as the compassionate citizens of our community, the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre has been serving young people and their families since 1993.