7 - 8 pm at the North Grenville Municipal Centre Community Halls
Eight workshops - sign up for one now!
Any tried and true gardener will tell you: Gardening makes you HAPPY! It’s a mystery as old as the ages but soil expert Bill Langenberg has cracked the code! Come and talk to Bill about the bacteria we often take for granted under our fingernails or gardening gloves and why it has the potential to make you happier and smarter. With over 30 years in food production, Bill knows a thing or two about what makes good food grow. Bill is a frequent vendor at the Kemptville Farmer’s Market, selling herbs and seedlings of all varieties and we’re so lucky to be able to tap into his decades of expertise on compost and soil science.
Denise Mahoney is new to the Kemptville area last fall. Having started gardening for her son's love of raw vegetables, she started to compost because her house was built on solid limestone. Year after year witnessing the difference compost was making in the soil, and the difference it was making in the outcome of her vegetables. There was no way she could stop there. Making it a verma compost was the next step, and they're now her 3 year old's "friends" so they're not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, they'll be coming indoors this winter.
June 11 OR June 25: DIANA STEADMAN
Diana Steadman of Eat, Grow, Play has created a workshop about the basics of composting and on how to set up your own vermicomposter (Yup! Worms!). Located in Kemptville, Eat, Grow, Play was created to expose children to the benefits of a strong connection to nature. Along with developing an understanding of how their food is grown, children also learn the secret to unlocking the delicious flavours in food through creativity in the kitchen. This
workshop will be for adults to understand some basics that they can use at home.
June 19 OR June 27: PAUL SHARPE
Paul Sharpe is a former animal science professor with some background in plant biology, having recently edited a textbook on pasture management. His first exposure to composting was helping his parents build and mix their pit composter made of old railway ties, in the mid-1970s. He has done home kitchen composting with his wife since 1984. Through working at Kemptville College, he was exposed to methods of composting manure and dead livestock on
large farms. He has had the same two compost bins for 25 years and notices every spring how much a whole winter of household compost has shrunk to a very small volume.
Let's get started together! To register, contact Kristin Strackerjan at kstrackerjan@northgrenville.on.ca
Composting 101 Workshops
Tuesday, June 4, 2019 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
North Grenville Municipal Centre
Community Halls
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0